

Photos for the selected date or location will be displayed.

Tapping on a photo will display it enlarged, and you will be able to write short notes.

You can also share or delete the photo.


Left and Right buttons

If selecting by date (year/month/day), photos from the previous year/month/day or those from the next year/month/day will be displayed.

If selecting by location, photos taken at the location of next in menu will be displayed.

Order button

The order in which the photos are displayed will be reversed.

Map button

The map will be displayed, and you will be able to see the photos pasted to the locations they were taken.

List button

The list will be displayed, and you will be able to see the addresses of the locations where the photos were taken and the notes you have written.

Select button

Multiple photos can be selected, and you will be able to take actions such as sharing and deleting them.
